Competitive Analysis
Experience Map
Feature Cards
Developer Review
Kano Analysis
Annotated Wireframes
SafeSpace is an application intended to call attention to a problem people of color face and attempt to bring to light issues of bias while offering a solution to change the situation. The current version of the app allows individuals to request local allies (within 1/2 mile) to witness their encounter with law enforcement, using contact information provided by users during the setup process.
After the incident, the app request additional information from the individual and any witnesses to describe the experience. This information as well as demographic data collected during the setup process is presented in the app's open web dashboard. Here users have an opportunity to explore trends as well the potential to 'upvote' positive officer behavior.
The Challenge
SafeSpace is intended to leverage technology to maximize the voice of the people. The current version lacks features that can improve safety outcomes for individuals. The limited data provided in the dashboard and the self-reported data collection process have been observed that the product is not meeting its intended goal. The products goal to provide optimal outcomes for users and law enforcement will be successful based upon testing the enhanced features with the market. The features to be implemented will be evaluated based upon development budget. The funding raised in an Indiegogo campaign will support this project.
The Journey
Beginning the project required myself to understand the bias and stigmas that are associated with people of color and law enforcement. The product is currently supported in Minneapolis/St Paul and expanding to the metro. I was able to meet with the founder of SafeSpace and learn of his own experiences. I had conversations with friends in the Twin Cities area to understand additional perspectives in the problem space. Similar apps exist in other large urban cites. I used their success, learnings and failures as research to help me form new concepts for SafeSpace.
Experience Map
The process of creating experience maps allowed me to understand the Users experience durning an incident. I created a journey map of the current experience and the ideal state (as shown above). I was able to break down the experience into 4 phases - Alert, Notify, Aware and Safe. My awareness to the 4 phases helped me design features that could impact the outcomes of the phases.
Feature Cards
The developer from Software for Good joined a working session to evaluate the feature requests. He provided insight on the feasibility of developing the enhanced feature and provided an estimate for the hours to develop the feature. SafeSpace had provided a budget total of 85 hours to allocate for the next release.
Kano Analysis
My group completed a Kano Analysis based upon the feature requests. I whiteboarded the results to analyze the data.
“Most people who are against the success of SafeSpace believe that the crowd sourcing will cause additional disruptions. This added feature will remind allies to also stay within the law and to not put themselves in danger.”
Annotated Wireframes
The Kano Analysis confirmed the key features the survey group valued as the enhanced additions to the Safe Space app. Annotated wireframes were created with language to communicate to the client and their developer.
The social challenges with a sensitive topic of safety for people of color provided me new experiences. The project also provided learnings to work with tech constraints. Collaborating with a Developer to create and align the goals to meet the Clients needs. The prioritization of deliverables had insight based upon with Users valued, Developers constraints and the Clients goals. The ultimate solution proposed was to enhance the outcome for the User during an encounter.